Research Cultural exchange as a bridge builder: city and country in dialog

The project "Clear the stage for good ageing in town and country!" shows how cultural encounters can break down prejudices...

A seminar group at the end of the "Bühne frei" project
Impressions of the final conference of "Bühne frei für gutes Älterwerden in Stadt und Land!" in the Protestant parish of Apfelsinenkirche. Basak Yasar

On September 2, 2024, the final conference of the artistic cooperation research project "Bühne frei für gutes Älterwerden in Stadt und Land!" took place in the Apfelsinenkirche Protestant parish in Gropiusstadt, bringing together people from different walks of life. In a two-year collaboration between the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the Berlin School of Economics and Technology, creative formats were used to facilitate encounters between urban and rural areas.

The project aimed to promote understanding and communication between people from the city and the countryside and thus contribute to social integration. The interaction illustrates how cultural exchange not only breaks down barriers, but also strengthens the sense of community. The focus of "Bühne frei" was the exchange on topics such as history, identity and ageing. Through joint activities and thanks to artistic forms of expression, the participants broke down fears of contact and met each other on a personal level.
One particular highlight was the cooperation between the district mothers from Berlin-Neukölln and the residents of Gerswalde. Many of the district mothers had previously had little contact with rural regions such as Brandenburg and were initially skeptical. "Many women had never been to Brandenburg before and had prejudices and fears," reports the coordinator of the district mothers. "But they were pleasantly surprised by the openness of the local people." The positive feedback from the participants confirms the success of the project and underlines the importance of such initiatives.

The collaboration in museum and theatrical formats enabled everyone to share their own stories and listen to others. The interdisciplinary collaboration between the field of social cultural work, led by Prof. Dr. Johanna Kaiser (ASH Berlin), and the field of museology, represented by Prof. Dr. Oliver Rump (HTW Berlin), led to surprising and valuable insights, as there are many similarities despite different cultural backgrounds. The exchange helped to break down prejudices and promote mutual understanding.

Shared experience unites

"Clear the stage for good ageing in town and country!" not only strengthened togetherness, but also made an important contribution to promoting quality of life and tolerance. Cultural exchange and dialog are crucial to overcoming social divisions and promoting good ageing in a diverse society. The positive experiences of the district mothers and the Brandenburg participants are an encouraging example of how shared experiences can unite people.

Finally, a few personal words:
The conference and writing about the project made me realize how powerful creative and intercultural encounters can be. I was particularly impressed by how the participants approached each other openly and left their prejudices behind. It showed me that it often only takes small steps to overcome big barriers and strengthen cooperation in our society.

Basak Yasar

A brochure documents the individual experiences, actions and opinions from two years of project work with the voices of the creators and addressees. It is available free of charge and can be ordered from

Read more:
- The mid-term review "Bühne frei für gutes Älterwerden in Berlin und Brandenburg" by Prof. Johanna Kaiser
- More about the project on the IFAF website