Nachhaltigkeit "Blueprint for a SAGE perspective on the link between the climate crisis and child welfare"

ASH-Teilnehmende des Fachtags "Klimakrise und Kindeswohlgefährdung" stehen neben einem Roll-up vom DBSH auf dem steht "Wir setzen Maßstäbe in der Sozialen Arbeit".

Representatives of ASH Berlin took part in the symposium "Climate crisis and child welfare risks" organized by the German Professional Association for Social Work.

Changeover "You can also make progress when sledging without snow."

Interview: Marielle Raupach, speech therapist and ASH alumna of the Healthcare Management degree program

Changeover "Go your own way and question everything!"

Lena Stoehr(faktor), rapper, social worker and alumna of ASH Berlin in an interview with Prof. Dr. Claudia Winkelmann

Changeover Getting out of your comfort zone

An interview with Emma Van Maele from Belgium about her Erasmus experience at ASH Berlin

Changeover Students recommend: Winterschool in Winterthur

Five fellow students of the course 'Interprofessional Health Care - online' and their insight into the Swiss health care system

Changeover A trip to the European Social Work Conference in Prague

Enriched knowledge and expanded perspectives – but concerns regarding diversity and inclusion emerged

Changeover „Wir machen Pläne, damit wir sie verändern können.“

Marielle Raupach studiert Management und Versorgung im Gesundheitswesen (B.A.) und plant eine logopädische Praxis zu gründen

Changeover Speak it out

Minami Habu studies business and management at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo. In the interview she talks about her exchange semester at ASH

Changeover Structural difficulties

Lefkothea Rizopoulou talks about social work in shelters for unaccompanied, asylum-seeking minors in Greece

Changeover Vom Koch und Rapper zum Promovenden

Die Erfolgsgeschichte des ehemaligen Masterstudierenden Paul Denkhaus

Changeover Drohender Kita-Kollaps

Prof. Dr. Rahel Dreyer über den dringlichen Appell von Wissenschafler_innen an die Politik und was jetzt getan werden muss