University Life, Learning & Teaching Geschütztere Räume etablieren

Eine Couch und eine Pflanze in indirektem Licht einer Stehlampe bilden eine Idee eines Sozialen Wohnzimmers.

Mit geschützteren Räumen an der ASH Berlin gegen sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt. Vorüberlegungen für ein Schutzkonzept.

Nachhaltigkeit Climate Challenge has started!

Try out more climate-friendly practices for a month and learn more about structural sustainability transformations.

Learning & Teaching Developing the library together

How the ASH Berlin library wants to involve users in the redesign of its spaces.

Neuerscheinung Dialogic quality development in early support and child protection

New series of publications from the extra-occupational Master's program in Child Protection at ASH Berlin

Lernen & Lehren In the writing workshop with Maxi Obexer

or: Why reality demands different literary forms

Learning & Teaching The digital genie is out of the bottle

The debate: Teaching formats after Corona – for more online teaching

Learning & Teaching Enabling the integration of the "whole person"

The debate: Teaching formats after Corona – for more face-to-face teaching

Learning & Teaching AI, big data and blockchain: Transforming The Social into The Digital?

Reflections on digital transformation and social justice

Learning & Teaching Seven strategies for an easier start to university life

Learning disabilities, ADHD, care responsibilities, part-time work: How to succeed in a relaxed way despite impairments and disadvantages.

Learning & Teaching Retreat of the Commission for Studies and Teaching

On the agenda were the future topics of the LSK and the development of guidelines for dealing with generative AI in study and teaching

Lesestoff New publication: „Methods of Structural Change in Social Work“.

Structural change as a mission of social work