Changeover Speak it out

Minami Habu studies business and management at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo. In the interview she talks about her exchange semester at ASH

Minami (right) visiting Switzerland with a friend
Minami (right) visiting Switzerland with a friend Privat

Why did you choose Germany for studying?
Maybe because there are beer and sausages, hehe. I've never been to Europe, and I heard Berlin is the so-called "city of freedom". I felt that this would fit me. I just wanted to know how it is in the world out of Japan. Japan has so many stupid and strict rules, restrictions or peer pressures. For example when I was a high school student, I couln't dye my hair and the length of the skirt had to be until the middle of my knee. Make up and accessories were prohibited. So now I think that all place out of Japan are more free and easy to live for me, not especially only Berlin.

Why did you chose to study at ASH Berlin?
It's one of partner schools of my home university.
How did you like the seminars?
I took only courses in English, like gender and racism. It was so new that I was a bit confused at first. In a class, I totally couldn't understand what the teacher said in the first week. In addition it is not common in Japan to have discussions in class so I needed to know what my opinion is and speak it out!

What is different between studying in Japan and in Germany?
In Japan we just listen to the professors, while students discuss about the topic in Germany. Students in Germany try to find what their own opinions are while Japanese students try to find the best answer.
In my opinion, Japanese people want to feel belonged in some ways like having same opinions or convincing others. I think this is because it is an island country. We guess there is just one best answer in discussing and not try to know what we think by our own. First it was hard to get used to this difference.

What was the most cultural difference you experienced?
Stores are closed on Sunday. Haha. This is the very big cultural difference of mine so it was hard to get used to.

Where did you live in Berlin?
In Biesdorf in a student home.

What did you do in your free time in Berlin?
Picnics and sightseeing with friends I met in the classes, in my dormitory or in the buddy program. Going to cafés, netflix

What are your plans for the near future?
I haven´t decided yet weather to find a job or keep on studying. And of course I want to come back to Berlin once. I already need Berlin mood and want to see my people!

Questions by Barbara Halstenberg.