Changeover "You can also make progress when sledging without snow."

Interview: Marielle Raupach, speech therapist and ASH alumna of the Healthcare Management degree program

Claudia Winkelmann: Ms. Raupach, you are one of the first graduates of the Management and Care in Healthcare course. What was your goal?

Marielle Raupach: In the course of my three years working in various speech therapy practices, I had the desire to deal more intensively with our healthcare system and decided on this degree course because of the business management content. I achieved my goal of broadening my professional horizons and expanding my skills.

What claim would you use to summarize your studies?

"Sledging without snow." ASH Berlin is in a process of growth. As course spokesperson, the new degree program has demanded a lot of strength and communication skills from me. I represented the interests and concerns of my cohort. I often made little progress and the effort to overcome obstacles was enormous. But in the end, I always covered a distance and gained a lot of experience, so the sledge ride without snow and the studies were worth it for me.

What has particularly impressed you?

By far my best and most inspiring experience was the excursion to Erfurt with Prof. Dr. Uwe Bettig, Dean of Faculty II, and ASH Honorary Professor Prof. Dr. Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff as part of the project module "Health policy decision-making by various stakeholders in the context of the coronavirus pandemic". Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff is Head of the State Chancellery and Minister for Culture, Federal and European Affairs in the Free State of Thuringia as well as Commissioner for Jewish Life in Thuringia and the Fight against Anti-Semitism. My personal highlights were a guided tour of the city, a meeting with Bodo Ramelow, the Prime Minister of the Free State of Thuringia, a visit to the Thuringian State Chancellery, the Eisenberg Forest Clinic and, of course, a taste of Thuringian grilled sausage.

What do you achieve in terms of healthcare through your current job?

Speech therapy is an important part of healthcare and can help to improve the quality of life of people with speech, language, voice, hearing and swallowing disorders. As a speech therapist, I diagnose, treat and advise patients of all ages - from infants to senior citizens. Speech therapists work in clinics, speech therapy practices and rehabilitation centers, in kindergartens and schools, in special institutions for children and adults with hearing and speech impairments. Like me, they can also work interprofessionally. As a speech therapist, my aim is to enable affected people to actively participate in life again and enjoy a carefree everyday life. I also work preventively and inform patients and their immediate environment about the causes and effects of the functional disorder and give specific tips for improvements in everyday life.

Do you have any advice for students at ASH Berlin?

In a community, strengths can be pooled if the question of common goals is clarified.

Thank you very much for the interview and all the best!