Learning & Teaching, Lernen & Lehren More freedom at ASH Berlin

An interview with Mandeley Mol. She studies Human Resources Management in the city of Utrecht and spent her Erasmus Semester at the ASH Berlin.

Studentin Mandeley Mol in Berlin vor einem Grafitti
Mandeley Mol in Berlin

Mandeley Mol, what did you study at ASH Berlin and for how long?

I studied Social Work at ASH Berlin during winter term 2016/17.

Could you notice any differences between your studies at home in Utrecht and at ASH Berlin?

I always thought that studies at Utrecht were pretty free. You had to do a lot on your own initiative, making your own agenda. But when I came to ASH Berlin I experience even more freedom. There you have the choice between multiple types of examination, which I like. You can choose the way of working which fits you best. Besides that, the teachers ask your opinion a lot of times. That is different at my home university, where most of the time you listen to a professor lecturing for two hours.

Which courses at ASH Berlin fit best to your studies in Utrecht?

The course which fit best was Social Economics & Social Management. I recognized the content a little bit, and it had much to do with profit organizations which my study focuses on. The other courses I had matched less: International Social Work, Social Medicine & Psychiatry, a Media Subject and indeed a German language test. I started with an intensive course and continued a higher level of the course during my semester. The course I liked the most was the Media Subject because the aim was to create your own documentary/ short video. I liked that we had to be active instead of sitting in class and listening only.

How did you like the atmosphere at ASH Berlin? 

A thing that I liked was the diversity in the school. I have never before seen a school with so many different kinds of people. For example: women with children. There is even a children’s area at the school! One thing I didn’t like so much was the amount of students at the school. Every day at lunch break there was a really long waiting line in the cafeteria –which on the other hand, I could understand, because the food was quite good.

Could you make some friends in Berlin? How did you like it in Berlin?

Yes, mostly with Dutch people and the roommates of friends, though not so much with people from my own dormitory (Victor Jara). Organized events for Erasmus students were really a great way to get to know other people. 

If there are German students interested in studying in your home country, what can you tell them in advance?

They should come because the culture and language is very similar to those of Germany, and there are a lot of events and facilities for students in many Dutch cities. Take a look at the so called ‘student cities’ of Holland, and sign up!


Interview by Barbara Halstenberg